Test Automation Resources

1. Create Your First Selenium WebDriver Project
  • short practical course about everything that you need to know for creating your first Selenium WebDriver project
  • do-it-yourself course
  • 8 lessons
  • each lesson requires not more than 30 minutes to complete 
  • free help available for questions or issues
This course is no longer free.
You can have it however for USD 5.

Click this link if you are interested in taking it:

2. Get Started With Test Automation
  • explains why learning test automation is difficult for manual testers
  • introduces the technologies needed for test automation projects
  • shows the phases of a test automation project

Click this link for getting the FREE ebook:

3. XPATH locators cheat sheet
  • includes many types of xpath expressions
  • all xpath expressions can be tested on the www.vpl.ca site

Click this link for getting the FREE cheat sheet:

4. eBook - 10 Tips for Faster Selenium Scripts

Click here to get your FREE ebook:
10 tips for faster selenium scripts

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