Some sites use listboxes and dropdown lists that expand when the user mouses over them.
Finding the listbox and clicking it may not work correctly in such cases.
The user must mouse over the listbox first and then click it.
Let's take for example the results page of the site.
The page includes a dropdown list for changing the sort order of the results.
The dropdown list expands when mousing over it so the user can select one of the sort orders.
The user will go through the following steps to change the sort order:
- mouse over the dropdown list
- mouse over a sort option and click it
How do you emulate these actions in a webdriver script?
The first step can be done using the moveToElement() method of the Actions class:
Actions builder = new Actions(driver); builder.moveToElement(sortList).perform();
What about the other step?
The Actions class allows creating a chain of actions and executing it.
A chain of actions example looks as follows:
Actions builder = new Actions(driver); builder.moveToElement(element).click().perform();
First, an action builder object is created.
All user actions (mouse over the element, click the element) are added to the action builder object. After adding the actions to the action builder object, this object will execute the actions from the chain.
Lets see how the webdriver mouseover example code looks like:
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import; import; public class Class1 { WebDriver driver; WebDriverWait wait; String url = "" + "?path=ca77b9b4beca91fe414314b86bb581f8en20&query=ipad"; String sortListLocator = "(//span[@class='sprite-base icon-filter-dropdown'])[1]"; String highToLowSortLocator = "(//li[@class='sorting-subitem']" + "/a[contains(text(), 'High to Low')])[1]"; @Before public void setUp() { System.setProperty("", "C:\\Selenium\\BrowserDrivers\\chromedriver.exe"); driver = new ChromeDriver(); wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10); driver.manage().window().maximize(); } @After public void tearDown() { driver.quit(); } @Test public void testMouseOver() throws InterruptedException { driver.get(url); assertTrue(wait.until(ExpectedConditions. titleContains("Best Buy"))); Thread.sleep(1000); WebElement sortList; sortList = wait.until(ExpectedConditions. elementToBeClickable(By.xpath(sortListLocator))); Actions builder = new Actions(driver); builder.moveToElement(sortList).perform(); WebElement highToLowSort; highToLowSort= wait.until(ExpectedConditions. elementToBeClickable( By.xpath(highToLowSortLocator))); builder.moveToElement(highToLowSort).click().perform(); assertTrue(wait.until(ExpectedConditions. urlContains("sortBy=price&sortDir=desc"))); } }
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