Threads, http requests, assertions, listeners

This article is all about practice.

The most important components of a JMETER test plan are:

- thread groups

- samplers (requests)

- assertions

- config elements

- logic controllers

- listeners

There are lots of good info on each of them on the JMETER user manual.

I don't intend explaining what they do but how they can be used in a simple project.

The load test will cover one of the pages of the website with the URL

The page purpose is to display car ads that belong to sellers from Toronto and 100 kms around Toronto and have the status used or new.

The following load test plan is for educational purposes only and since it uses a live site, it will include a small number of concurrent users (maximum 5).

This is what the test plan will try to achieve:

- use a few concurrent users

- create a HTTP request for the page

        1. add delay after the HTTP request

        2. follow redirects for the HTTP request

        3. get embedded requests; filter embedded requests by the host name

        4. add a few assertions; apply them to the request, redirects and embedded requests

- display the load test results in a viewer

        1. view the request header

        2. view the response header

        3. view the response data

- save the load test results in a file

- parameterize the HTTP request by using variables for most of the parameters from the query string; read the values of the variables from a text file

- troubleshoot the load test results by writing request information to the log

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